Thai Beaches: Ah, Global Warming
According to Lonely Planet, travel agencies, and pretty much anyone else with a vested interest in successful tourism in Thailand, December is a good month to visit due to its fantastic weather. The rains have left, the temperature reaches the 30's, and the sun glints off the ocean waters giving that glorious turquoise vista all day long. Of course, the beaches also become packed with tourists taking their Christmas early and the prices rise accordingly (i.e. by 100%, often).
We got the tourist prices, that's for sure, but ran out of luck on the sun side. I blame global warming and its erratic effect on weather patterns. I hate you, CO2. One story we got was that somehow, the monsoon season decided to arrive two months late this year and was still sputtering to an end when we arrived, hanging a sulky blanket of grey across the sky and spitting every few hours. Most days were just vaguely crappy, but the gods really decided to unleash fury on evening while we were on a random secluded beach north of tourist-town. Em and I were sharing a motorbike taxi back to our guesthouse and I have to say, it was the first time all trip that I was worried for our transportation safety. As this tiny bike crawled up slick, steep parts of the concrete 'road' (trail), I could actually picture it coming to a halt, sliding backwards, and falling on the two of us and the driver. I didn't say anything to Em - luckily, as she said later she would have lost it and freaked if she knew I was also worried. We arrived home in one piece and decided the best part of the trip was the free shower courtesy of the sky faucet.
We got the tourist prices, that's for sure, but ran out of luck on the sun side. I blame global warming and its erratic effect on weather patterns. I hate you, CO2. One story we got was that somehow, the monsoon season decided to arrive two months late this year and was still sputtering to an end when we arrived, hanging a sulky blanket of grey across the sky and spitting every few hours. Most days were just vaguely crappy, but the gods really decided to unleash fury on evening while we were on a random secluded beach north of tourist-town. Em and I were sharing a motorbike taxi back to our guesthouse and I have to say, it was the first time all trip that I was worried for our transportation safety. As this tiny bike crawled up slick, steep parts of the concrete 'road' (trail), I could actually picture it coming to a halt, sliding backwards, and falling on the two of us and the driver. I didn't say anything to Em - luckily, as she said later she would have lost it and freaked if she knew I was also worried. We arrived home in one piece and decided the best part of the trip was the free shower courtesy of the sky faucet.